10.6. 4-step check points of the F4W71B and C types - dismantling1. The order of dismantling and assembly of 4-step check points almost same, as for 5-step also differs performance of the following operations.
2. Instead of operations on dismantling in items 17-34 (see section 4) execute the following.
1). Check a condition of gear wheels and check point shaft, existence on them of cracks and other damages
2). Check a face gap of gear wheels and compare to the standard.
3). If damages are observed and люфт exceeds norm, completely disassemble a check point and replace worn-out details
4). Press a stripper the forward bearing of an intermediate shaft.
5). Get a lock ring.
Б). Carefully get intermediate and primary shaft.
7). Remove from primary shaft a lock ring and a persistent washer.
8). Remove the synchronizer 3rd and 4th of transfers and a gear wheel of the 3rd transfer.
9). Release a nut of a secondary shaft.
10). Remove a lock ring and a backing gear wheel.
11). Carefully beat out from transitional section secondary and intermediate shaft.
3. Instead of operations on assembly in pct 78-91 (see section 4) execute the following.
1). From the back party of a secondary shaft establish a backing gear wheel, a washer and tighten by hand a nut.
2). Dress on an intermediate shaft a leading gear wheel of a backing and pick up a back lock ring on thickness to minimize axial люфт.
3). On the intermediate roller establish an intermediate gear wheel of a backing
4). Tighten a nut of a secondary shaft with the set moment.
5). To Raskernita a nut wreath so that the wreath came into sample of a secondary shaft.
6). Again check a face gap of gear wheels.