Nissan Terrano 2 from 1985 to 1999
1. Maintenance instruction and to maintenance
2. Car maintenance
3. Четырехцилиндровыв engines
4. VS engines
5. All engines
6. Systems of cooling, heating, ventilation and conditioning
7. Fuel and exhaust systems
8. System of electric equipment of the engine
9. System of decrease in toxicity of exhaust gases
10. Mechanical transmission
11. Automatic transmissions
12. Coupling driveshaft and back bridge
13. A running gear of cars with a wheel formula 4x4
14. Brake system
14.1. Specifications
14.2. General information
14.3. Blocks disk (forward and back) brakes - replacement
14.4. A brake support - removal, dismantling and installation
14.5. A brake disk - check, removal and installation
14.6. Back drum-type brakes - replacement of blocks
14.7. The wheel cylinder of back drum-type brakes - removal, dismantling and installation
14.8. See hl. 1
14.9. Disks of back brakes - check, removal and installation
14.10. Blocks of the hand brake (on back disk brakes) - removal, installation and adjustment
14.11. The main cylinder of brakes - removal, dismantling and installation
14.12. A regulator of pressure of brakes - removal and installation
14.13. The hydraulic actuator highway - check and replacement
14.14. Pumping of brakes
14.15. The vacuum amplifier of brakes - general information and check
14.16. The vacuum amplifier of brakes - removal and installation
14.17. The hand brake - adjustment
14.18. The lever of the hand brake - removal and installation
14.19. Cables of the hand brake - removal and installation
14.20. The switch of a signal of braking - removal and installation
14.21. Anti-blocking system (ABS) - general information and access to codes.
15. Suspension brackets and steering
16. Body and furnish elements
17. Electric equipment system


14.11. The main cylinder of brakes - removal, dismantling and installation

1. Disconnect the battery from weight.
2. Substitute the pallet or spread rags.
3. Release the union of tubes on the main cylinder (photo).
4. Unscrew nuts of fastening of the cylinder to the vacuum amplifier.
5. Carefully remove the cylinder from hairpins, turn on the union and muffle openings. Get the cylinder.
6. Muffle hydraulic actuator tubes.

7. Prepare ремкомплект the main cylinder.

In the main thing цилинцре considered cars are used ремкомплекты by Nabco and Tokico which are not interchangeable. Therefore at first get necessary ремкомплект.

8. Clear the cylinder and merge liquid.
9. Remove a cap, get a lock washer (if it is provided, the first piston and a spring (photo).
10. Get the secondary piston, having knocked with the cylinder about wooden whetstone.
11. Check a cylinder condition. At detection of scratches or the painted sites replace the cylinder

10.3 Nuts of unions on the main cylinder (it is recommended to release an alligator wrench)

10.9 Details of the main cylinder of brakes 1. Stopper 2. Filter 3. Float 4. Tank 5. Secondary piston assembled 6. Primary piston 7. Cap of 8,9-Cuffs 10. Basic washer 11. Spring 12. Cylinder 13. Uplotniteli 14. At assembly to grease with liquid

12. Disassemble the secondary piston (primary not folding).
13. Wash out all details in alcohol or brake liquid.
14. A tank remove only if necessary.
15. Dress on the cuff piston, having tracked correctness of their orientation.
16. Dip details into brake liquid.
17. Collect all details as their former installation, bend ears on a cap (photo) and establish on the cylinder. If the cap is damaged, replace it.
18. Before installation it is recommended to fill the cylinder with liquid and to remove air. This measure will reduce duration of pumping of brakes.
19. Close carving caps of an opening under the union, fix the cylinder and fill with liquid a cylinder tank.
20. Unscrew one of caps, press pistons, wrap a cap and release pistons.

10.17 Before assembly of the main cylinder bend ears on a cap

11.2а Regulator of pressure of brakes of type A 1. The union for pumping 2. Arm 3. Pressure regulator (неразборньй)

11.2б Regulator of pressure of brakes of type B 1. The union for pumping 2. Pressure regulator (not folding) 3. Arm 4. Spring

21. Repeat procedure for each of openings on 3-4 times.
22. Instead of a cap it is possible to close one of openings a finger. Release a finger after pressing pistons after an effluence of liquid close an opening a finger and release pistons. Some seconds later clean a finger.
Repeat procedure and execute the same actions on other opening.
23. After liquid will start to follow from openings only wrap caps.
24. Add liquid in a tank before the top division and wrap a stopper.
25. Establish the cylinder upside-down and pump over brakes.

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14.10. Blocks of the hand brake (on back disk brakes) - removal, installation and adjustment
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14.12. A regulator of pressure of brakes - removal and installation