2.24. Check of brakes1. Besides periodic check of a brake it is necessary to check each time at wheel removal, or at suspicions on their malfunction.
2. For check lift the car.
22.3 Check of level of oil in a reducer of the back bridge
Disk brakes
3. Disk brakes are established on forward wheels.
4. Quickly to check residual thickness of a material of slips on blocks of brakes it is possible through a window in a support of a forward brake (photo). If wear at least one slip exceeds 0,8 mm that replace all four blocks in a set.
5. For more detailed check it is possible to remove and clear brake shoes (Hl. 10).
6. Before installation of a wheel check a condition of all hoses and pipelines of a brake contour, existence on them of cracks, corrosion, liquid podtekaniye. If necessary replace a hose.
7. Check a disk condition, at detection задиров, deep development and traces of a strong warming up remove a disk and прошлифуйте.
Drum-type brakes
8. Remove a drum. If the drum jams on a semi-axis nave, dig getting liquid then repeat removal attempt.
24.6 Control windows in a support of a forward brake
23.2 Scheme of shift of wheels
1. On a car course
2. The shift scheme at a complete set a skating rink as a spare wheel
3. The shift scheme at dual back wheels
4. The shift scheme at a complete set a regular spare wheel the Skating rink in
9. If the drum again does not give in to removal, get a cap on a board of a brake and reduce blocks, having turned a screw-driver a gear nut.
10. As final means for removal of drums screw bolts in carving openings and rolling bolts, take a drum (photo).
11. The dust which has collected as a result of wear of blocks to delete with a purge it is forbidden.
12. Check thickness of brake overlays of back blocks and their condition. If the thickness of kleeny slips less than 1,5 mm (or distance from slips to heads of rivets) is less than 1,5 mm, slips replace. It is necessary to replace slips also at detection of cracks, a glossy surface, or at pollution by brake liquid or greasing (photo).
24.12 Drum removal by a wraparound of bolts in special openings
24.14 Thickness of a fractional overlay of a brake
13. Check a condition of springs.
14. Check existence of traces of podtekaniye of brake liquid on wheel cylinders for what carefully hook and take away an external sealant of the cylinder (photo). If under a sealant traces of brake liquid, the cylinder are found, replace.
15. Clear a drum rags moistened in alcohol.
16. Check existence on drums of deep development, cracks, furrows and the painted sites. If it is impossible to remove defects with an emery paper, drums should be removed and pierced.
17. Establish brake drums.
18. Establish wheels and lower the car.
Hand brake
19. The hand brake should be adjusted, if at 6-10 clicks of the lever of a brake and neutral transfer the car does not keep on lifting (Hl. 10).