4.5. The roller with yokes - removal and installation1. Uncover heads of cylinders.
2. In 2-3 receptions release bolts of the roller of yokes, as it should be from the end to the middle. Keep in mind that some the valve are open and yokes are under the pressure of springs. Therefore release bolts gradually, otherwise the roller is deformed (photo).
5.2 Bolts of the roller of yokes
5.4 Roller removal with yokes. The procedure for test of details is described below.
6.2 Fixing of hydropushers
6.3 Case removal with hydropushers
3. Turn out bolts and store in an order of their installation (photo).
4. Take the roller with yokes (photo).
5. Installation is carried out upside-down. Tighten bolts evenly with the set moment, as it should be from the periphery to the middle.