5.15. Rods and pistons - condition check1. Accurately clear pistons of a deposit and carefully remove rings.
2. Remove a deposit from flutes of piston rings (photo).
3. Wash out pistons and rods solvent, carefully clean drainage openings in flutes of the piston and an opening in a rod (photo).
4. If traces of considerable wear are absent and if boring of cylinders is not required, pistons should not be changed. Normal wear is shown in the form of traces of uniform vertical development on a rubbing surface of the piston and in the form of small weakening of landing of the top kompressionny ring. Nevertheless, replacement of piston rings at major maintenance of the engine is obligatory.
15.2а Clear flutes of pistons by means of the adaptation...
14.4б Marking of dimensional group of pistons on the V6 block
5. Carefully check existence of cracks on a piston skirt, on lugs of a piston finger and on airfields of piston rings.
6. If on the piston chips and teases are observed, it indicates a frequent overheat of the engine. In this case careful check of systems of greasing and cooling is required. The burn-out in the bottom of the piston testifies to operation of the engine with the wrong installation of the moment of ignition. The reason of an obgoraniye of the bottom of the piston along the edges as a rule is abnormal combustion (detonation). If the specified defects are found, it is necessary to find their reason and to eliminate.
7. Piston corrosion in the form of small poles (petting) testifies to penetration into the combustion chamber (and also in a crankshaft case) cooling liquid.
8. Measure a gap between a flute and a new ring (photo). If the gap exceeds the established limit, it is necessary to replace the piston.
9. Check a gap between the piston and the cylinder, having measured diameter of the cylinder (see above) and diameter of the piston from this cylinder (photo). If the gap exceeds the established limit, the block of cylinders is subject to boring, and it is necessary to replace pistons and rings repair.
10. Check a gap between a piston finger and a rod head for what shake the piston and a rod in opposite directions. If люфт notable, an opening under a finger it is necessary to develop and establish a new finger.
15.2б... or old piston ring
15.3 An opening for removal of oil in a rod
11. Repair of pistons and rods is carried out in car-care center.
12. Check existence on rods of cracks and other damages. Remove covers of shatunny bearings, get bearings, wipe landing surfaces on a cover and on a rod, check existence of cracks, scratches and задиров. After check collect a rod, having established into place bearings, tighten nuts by hand.