5.22. Rods and pistons - installation and check of gaps in shatunny bearings1. Before installation of pistons assembled with rods the surface of the cylinder should be absolutely pure, the facet should be removed from edges of cylinders, and the cranked shaft is established in the block of cylinders.
2. Wipe a back surface of the new top shatunny loose leaf and lay it in a place in a rod. Be convinced that the ledge on the loose leaf came into sample in a rod and lubricant openings coincided (photo). The loose leaf not to grease. Similarly establish in a rod cover the bottom loose leaf.
3. Place joints of piston rings according to the scheme (photo).
4. Grease pistons and rings with pure oil for the engine, compress rings the adaptation (photo), having left an acting site of the piston.
22.3а Arrangement of joints of piston rings (till 1990)
1. Top kompressionny ring
2. Top disk of a maslosjemny ring
3. Dilator of a maslosjemny ring
4. Plane of rotation of the crankshaft
5. Finger axis
6. Bottom disk of a maslosjemny ring
22.2 Loose leaf installation in a rod
5. Turn the crankshaft to the bottom dead point in the first cylinder, oil cylinder walls for the engine.
6. The piston so that the label of F or a kerneniye (on the V6 engine) were turned by Soriyentiruyte towards a forward part of the engine (photo).
7. Carefully enter the lower part of the piston with a rod into the first cylinder against the stop adaptations for an obzhatiya of rings in the block of cylinders. Slightly knock on the upper edge of an opravka for uniform contact to the plane of the block of cylinders.
8. Enter the piston into the cylinder, carefully tapping with the wooden handle of a hammer on the bottom of the piston (photo). Big effort not to apply.
9. Draw a rod to a neck of the crankshaft and check a gap in a rod the bearing (photo). Check procedure
22.36 Arrangement of joints of piston rings (after 1990)
1. Top kompressionny ring
2. Top disk of a maslosjemny ring
3. Bottom disk of a maslosjemny ring
4. Bottom kompressionny ring
5. To a forward part of the engine
6. Dilator маслосъе
22.4 Preparation of the piston and a rod for installation in the cylinder differs nothing from procedure for radical bearings (see above). Rotation of the crankshaft or the slightest hit of oil on loose leaves at measurements are not allowed. Nuts of a cover of a rod tighten with the set
10. Carefully remove the calibre remains, grease loose leaves and a crankshaft neck, establish a cover and evenly tighten nuts with the set moment.
11. Repeat these operations for other rods.
12. After final installation of pistons with rods,
check freedom of rotation of the crankshaft.
13. Check axial люфт a rod (see above). Keep in mind that after installation of new details люфт and there can be less norm and polishing of rods is required.
14. Collect and establish the engine, being guided by appropriate sections