8.17. Tension and brush regulator replacement1. Remove the generator
2. Unscrew 4 coupling bolts on a back cover (photo).
3. Unscrew two screws and a nut and remove a cover. Slightly пристукнув, separate a forward cover with a rotor.
4. Unscrew 5 nuts on a back cover and take a stator (photo).
5. Check length of brushes, if necessary replace. Before the soldering put forward a brush on 11 mm and carefully solder conclusions in the specified places (photo) a loop on the wire end (having wrapped a wire on 1 round).
6. For replacement of a regulator do the following (peгулятор to remove only in need of replacement).
а). Disconnect a regulator from the rectifier, for what отпаяйте
conclusion also remove a rivet (photo). It is recommended at first отпаять stator wires from the rectifier.
б). Disconnect a regulator from a shchetkoderzhatel for what remove solder and flat-nose pliers pull out pins.
в). At installation of a new regulator carefully (easy blows) press pins, пропаяйте all connections and расклепайте, having established a new rivet.
7. Collect and establish the generator upside-down.