Nissan Terrano 2 from 1985 to 1999
1. Maintenance instruction and to maintenance
2. Car maintenance
3. Четырехцилиндровыв engines
4. VS engines
5. All engines
6. Systems of cooling, heating, ventilation and conditioning
7. Fuel and exhaust systems
8. System of electric equipment of the engine
9. System of decrease in toxicity of exhaust gases
10. Mechanical transmission
11. Automatic transmissions
12. Coupling driveshaft and back bridge
13. A running gear of cars with a wheel formula 4x4
14. Brake system
15. Suspension brackets and steering
15.1. Specifications
15.2. General information
15.3. Hairpins of fastening of a wheel - replacement
15.4. The stabilizer - removal and installation
15.5. Shock-absorbers - removal and installation
15.6. Torsion - removal and installation
15.7. Bars and suspension bracket extensions - removal and installation
15.8. The top lever and a spherical support - removal and installation
15.9. The bottom lever and a spherical support - removal and installation
15.10. Springs of a back suspension bracket - removal and installation
15.11. Bars of a back suspension bracket - removal and
15.12. The stabilizer of a back suspension bracket - removal and installation
15.13. A steering - general information
15.14. A wheel - removal and installation
15.15. The lock of a steering column - removal and installation
15.16. A steering reducer - removal and installation
15.17. A steering reducer (and/m without the hydraulic booster) - dismantling
15.18. Steering
15.19. The pump hydraulic boosters - removal and installation
15.20. Air removal from a wheel hydraulic actuator
15.21. Steering drafts - removal and installation
15.22. Corners of installation of forward wheels - general information
15.23. Wheels and tires - general information
16. Body and furnish elements
17. Electric equipment system


15.20. Air removal from a wheel hydraulic actuator

To remove air from a hydraulic actuator of a wheel it is necessary at any dismantling of the highway, irrespective of those measures, which were accepted to prevent air hit.

1. Check liquid level, if necessary restore, having added to a label on щупе a tank. Warm up hydraulic actuator liquid for what idling the engine rotate a wheel in both parties within 2 minutes.
2. Lift a car front so that wheels only slightly concerned a floor.
3. Turn a wheel here and there against the stop not less than 10 times, thus do not allow strong impact with limiters, hold a wheel at the end of each course.
4. Check liquid level.
5. Start the engine, and, some minutes of work later idling, stop. Check liquid level.
6. Start the engine for some seconds, stop and check liquid level. Turn wheels in both parties against the stop not less than 10 times, again check liquid level.
7. If after these procedures in a tank foam is observed, and operation of the pump is accompanied by the increased noise, air is not removed from a hydraulic actuator. In this case wait while foam will not disappear, check level of liquid and repeat procedure.
8. If after several cycles of pumping air is not removed, in system there is a leak. Ask the assistant to turn a wheel against the stop several times and to maintain in completely turned out condition (no more than 15 seconds). During turn of wheels examine hoses and tubes and check leak existence. If the leak is absent, the hydraulic booster is faulty and the car it is necessary to check in car-care center.

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15.19. The pump hydraulic boosters - removal and installation
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15.21. Steering drafts - removal and installation